MP4 to WAV Converter

Free convert your MP4 files to WAV online in seconds.

convert mp4 to wav online

How to convert MP4 to WAV online?

free MP4 to WAV Converter

Step 1
Upload MP4 Files

Click the button Choose Files or directly drag and drop the MP4 files that you want to convert to WAV or any other audio format.

convert MP4 to WAV Free

Step 2
Convert MP4 to WAV

Choose WAV as the output format and click on the Convert button to change format.

save converted WAV file

Step 3
Download Converted WAV

Download the converted WAV sound file locally or save to Dropbox or Google Drive.

Extensive Information about MP4 file and WAV file

File Extension .mp4 MP4 Converter
Description MP4 (MPEG-4 Part 14) is a video container format based on QuickTime MOV. But unlike MOV, it adds support for other MPEG features. MP4 supports video (MPEG-4 Part 2 and MPEG-4 Part 10/), audio (MP3, AAC, SLS, TTSI, and ALAC), and subtitles (MPEG-4 timed text). It’s this codec combination that gives MP4 its flexibility.
Associated Programs VLC Media Player
Windows Media Player
Developed By International Organization for Standardization
MIME Type video/mp4
Useful Links What is a MP4 file
File Extension .wav WAV Converter
Description WAV is an audio container format developed by IBM and Microsoft and comes with a .wav filename extension. Unlike popular formats like MP3 and MP4, WAV isn’t a lossy format, so it's bigger and less popular. WAV files can be opened on various OS platforms via software like Windows Media Player, MPlayer, VLC Media Player, and more.
Associated Programs 5KPlayer
VLC Media Player
Windows Media Player
Developed By Microsoft and IBM
MIME Type audio/x-wav
Useful Links What is a WAV file

People also ask about MP4 and WAV

How to convert MP4 to WAV or conevrt WAV to MP4 effortlessly on Windows/Mac

If your MP4 video is used only for their soundtrack, then converting it to the popular WAV audio format will save a lot of storage space on your PC.
Moreover, there are many media players that do not support MP4 for playing audio, and in such situations converting MP4 to WAV helps.
Wondershare UniConverter is a complete toolbox for taking care of all your file conversion needs.
The software converts MP4 to WAV without any quality loss and works at 90X faster speed compared with similar programs. More than 1000 formats are supported by the program and you can also convert WAV to MP4 and other files.
Additionally, the software facilities video editing, video downloading and recording, DVD burning and other functions. Steps for converting MP4 to WAV using the program are enlisted below.

Add MP4 videos
Select Output Format as WAV
Convert MP4 to WAV

Vice versa, following the above steps, you can also easily convert WAV to MP4.
Just load WAV files input option and select MP4 as output format from Video tab in the above step 3.
Convert your MP4 video files in excellent quality WAV format and enjoy your favorite music on all types of players and devices.

MP4 to WAV conversion quality rating:
4.9 (162,357 Votes)
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