MTS to MP4 Online Converter

Easily convert MTS files to MP4 online and free.

convert mts to mp4 online

How to Convert MTS to MP4 Online?

upload files

Step 1
Add MTS Files

Upload your MTS files by drag-and-drop or Choose Files button.

start converting online

Step 2
Change MTS to MP4

Choose MP4 as the output format and click on the Convert button to convert.

download converted files

Step 3
Download Converted MP4 Files

Download or save the converted MP4 files as your needs.

Information about MTS and MP4 File Formats

File Extensions .mts MTS Converter
Description MTS is a filename extension for an Advanced Video Coding High Definition (AVCHD) video file. It contains a .mts filename extension and contains a HD MPEG video captured using certaing camcorder models like JVC, Sony, Canon, and Sanyo. It can support up to 1080i x 720p HD videos and can open on multiple software.
Associated Programs Blender
VLC Media Player
Roxia Popcorn
Developed By Sony/Panasonic
MIME type video/mp2t
Useful Links What is a MTS file
File Extensions .mp4 MP4 Converter
Description MP4 (MPEG-4 Part 14) is a video container format based on QuickTime MOV. But unlike MOV, it adds support for other MPEG features. MP4 supports video (MPEG-4 Part 2 and MPEG-4 Part 10/), audio (MP3, AAC, SLS, TTSI, and ALAC), and subtitles (MPEG-4 timed text). It’s this codec combination that gives MP4 its flexibility.
Associated Programs Windows Media Player
VLC Media Player
Apple QuickTime Player
Developed By International Organization for Standardization
MIME Type video/mp4
Useful Links What is an MP4 file

People Also Ask About MTS to MP4

Steps to Convert MTS to MP4 on Windows/Mac

MTS is an AVCHD video file that is saved in HD MPEG Transport Stream format which is mainly created with HD camcorders from Sony and Panasonic. The format is Blu-ray compatible supporting resolution of up to 720p and 1080p. High resolution and quality of the MTS format makes them difficult to play them on portable players, mobile phones, and other devices. To make your MTS videos play on all types of devices, you need to convert them to a more universal format like MP4. Wondershare UniConverter (originally Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate) is one of the best tools in its category, and learn the steps below.

Before you reading the following steps, you need to firstly free download and install Wondershare UniConverter on your PC/Mac.

add mts files on windows mac
choose mp4 as target for mts
convert mts to mp4 mac/windows

So you have learned 2 methods to convert MTS file to MP4 or any other formats. For small files, you can choose Online UniConverter. And for large files, Wodnershare UniConverter will be a better tool for its powerful functions.

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