How to Convert VOB to VIMEO Online?
Step 1
Upload VOB File
Drag and drop the VOB files that you want to convert.
Step 2
Convert VOB to VIMEO
Click CONVERT to convert your VOB file(s).
Step 3
Download Converted VIMEO
Click DOWNLOAD to save your converted VIMEO file(s).
Information about VOB and VIMEO File Formats
File Extension
VOB Converter
VOB (Video Object) is a digital video container format usually found in DVD video media. VOB contains DVD video, audio, menu, and text data such as subtitles all multiplexed together. It typically includes MPEG-1 Part 2 or MPEG-2 Part 2 video codec encoded with AAC audio. Although this format is free, some copies might be encrypted.
Associated Programs
GOM Player
VLC Media Player
Media Player Classic
VLC Media Player
Media Player Classic
Developed By
DVD Forum
video/dvd, video/mpeg
Useful Link
File Extension
VIMEO Converter
After YouTube and Dailymotion, Vimeo is the third largest video streaming platform. While you can upload most video codecs on Vimeo, it’s recommended to use AVC (H.264). That said, this platform supports most video formats, including FLV, MOV, MP4, WMV, and AVI. However, it doesn’t support non-video formats like MP3, WAV, JPG, PNG, and WAV.
Associated Programs
VLC Media Player
Windows Media Player
Apple QuickTime Player
Windows Media Player
Apple QuickTime Player
Developed By
Useful Link
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