How to Convert VRO to MOV Online?
Step 1
Upload VRO File
Drag and drop the VRO files that you want to convert.
Step 2
Convert VRO to MOV
Click CONVERT to convert your VRO file(s).
Step 3
Download Converted MOV
Click DOWNLOAD to save your converted MOV file(s).
Information about VRO and MOV File Formats
File Extension
VRO Converter
VRO is a digital audiovisual file format for streaming DVD recordings. When generated, this file usually comes with an IFO file for providing the location information of the VRO file. Generally, VRO is like a collection of VOB files. However, fragmented VROs are not widely supported.
Associated Programs
Wondershare UniConverter
VLC Media Player
Rich Media Player
VLC Media Player
Rich Media Player
Developed By
DVD Forum
Useful Link
File Extension
MOV Converter
MOV is a MPEG-4 digital video container format used on Apple’s QuickTime Player. It was developed in 1998 by Apple as the proprietary video format for Macintosh. On top of video data, MOV format can also store audio and text data, such as subtitles. It can open easily on both Macs and PCs, although Windows require 3vix codec.
Associated Programs
Apple QuickTime Player
Power DVD
ROXIO Creator
VLC Media Player
Power DVD
ROXIO Creator
VLC Media Player
Developed By
Apple Inc.
Useful Link
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