WAV to MP3 Converter

Fast convert WAV files to MP3 online free and without losing quality.

convert wav to mp3 online

How to convert WAV to MP3 online with only 3 steps?

add wav files to convert online

Step 1
Upload WAV Files

Drag and drop WAV file(s) directly or click on the Choose Files button to upload target file from your computer.

choose mp3 as output and convert

Step 2
Convert WAV to MP3 Online

It defaults MP3 as the output format, so just click on the Convert button to start the audio conversion.

download converted mp3 files

Step 3
Download Converted MP3 Files

Hit on the Download button or Save to Dropbox or Google Drive when the conversion finished.

Information about WAV and MP3 file formats

File Extensions .wav WAV Converter
Description WAV, sometimes called WAV, is an audio container format developed by IBM and Microsoft and comes with a .wav filename extension. Unlike popular formats like MP3 and MP4, WAV isn’t a lossy format, so it’s bigger and less popular. WAV files can be opened on various OS platforms via software like Windows Media Player, MPlayer, VLC Media Player, and more.
Associated Programs VLC Media Player
Windows Media Player
Developed By Microsoft and IBM
MIME type audio/x-wav
Useful Links What is a WAV file
File Extensions .mp3 MP3 Converter
Description MP3 is a standard audio format developed by Moving Picture Experts Group and uses MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 standardizations. MP3 uses lossy data compression, meaning that it loses quality over time. This sound format comes with a .mp3 filename extension and is today the most common audio format on websites and multimedia players.
Associated Programs Windows Media Player
VLC Media Player
Developed By Moving Picture Experts Group
MIME Type audio/mpeg
Useful Links What is a MP3 file

People also ask about WAV to MP3 Conversion

How to convert WAV to MP3 or convert MP3 to WAV Easily on Windows/Mac

Waveform Audio File Format, namely WAV, is a uncompressed and lossless audio format which is widely-used on CD music, TV, radio. Offering a better tone quality, WAV occupies more space compared with the compressed and popular-used format MP3. So if you want to upload your audio files to Internet or save WAV files in limited space, you'd better convert WAV to MP3. Wondershare UniConverter is the best WAV to MP3 converter Mac or Windows to batch convert WAV files to other formats at 90X faster speed compared with common converters.

Get the desired conversion through Wondershare WAV to MP3 audio converter by following steps, you need to firstly free download and install Wondershare UniConverter.

There are a number of free WAV to MP3 converters online available as well.
If you have several small WAV audio files, then choose Online UniConverter for free use.
If you need batch conversion and customization, then we recommend Wondershare UniConverter for desktop most.

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4.7 (18,357 Votes)
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