WEBM to MP4 Converter

Fast convert WEBM to MP4 online for free in easy steps.

convert webm to mp4 online

How to convert WEBM file to MP4?

add webm file to free WEBM to MP4 Converter

Step 1
Upload WEBM File

Click Choose Files button to add your WEBM files.

convert WEBM to MP4 Free

Step 2
Convert WEBM to MP4 Online

Choose MP4 as the output format and click on the Convert button to change WEBM to MP4.

save converted MP4 file

Step 3
Save Your Converted MP4

Download the converted MP4 files directly or save to Dropbox/Google Drive.

Information about WEBM file and MP4 file

File Extension .webm WEBM Converter
Description WebM is an open-source, royalty-free multimedia format for streaming content online. It contains compressed video streams of either VP8 or VP9 codec and compressed audio streams of Oupus or Vorbis codec. Today, it's one of the most widely used file formats to stream videos online because of its lightweight and real-time delivery nature.
Associated Programs Google Chrome
VLC Media Player
Windows Media Player
Developed By Google Inc.
MIME Type video/webm, audio/webm
Useful Links from Wikipedia What is a WEBM file
File Extension .mp4 MP4 Converter
Description MP4 (MPEG-4 Part 14) is a video container format based on QuickTime MOV. But unlike MOV, it adds support for other MPEG features. MP4 supports video (MPEG-4 Part 2 and MPEG-4 Part 10/), audio (MP3, AAC, SLS, TTSI, and ALAC), and subtitles (MPEG-4 timed text). It’s this codec combination that gives MP4 its flexibility.
Associated Programs Apple QuickTime Player
VLC Media Player
Windows Media Player
Developed By International Organization for Standardization
MIME Type video/mp4
Useful Links from Wikipedia What is a MP4 file

People also ask about WEBM to MP4

How to convert WEBM to MP4 and MP4 to WEBM on Windows/Mac offline?

With .webm extension, a WEBM file is an audiovisual media file format by Google. Being new in the field, a lot of PCs, devices, and smartphones would need plug-ins, components, and other specific requirements to play WebM files. To avoid this hassle, a simple and quick solution would be to convert WEBM to MP4, a widely accepted format. As free online WebM to MP4 converters always have file size limitations, it would be a better choice to use a desktop program such as Wondershare UniConverter. Available for both Windows and Mac system, the software supports Superspeed batch conversion, various parameters customization or other video editing options. The steps below will teach how to convert WebM to MP4 on PC/Mac. Now free download and install Wondershare UniCovnerter firstly.

Add WEBM videos
Select MP4 as Output Format
Free Convert WEBM to MP4

Final Words: The steps above can also be used to convert MP4 to WEBM. In place of WEBM, you need to add MP4 as input file, and select WEBM as output file format.
Choose Wondershare UniConverter if you need to convert multiple large WEBM files to MP4 at a time.

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4.9 (162,357 Votes)
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