Online WMA to MP3 Converter

Free convert WMA to MP3 online, without losing quality.

convert wma to mp3 online

How to Convert WMA Files to MP3?

choose wma file

Step 1
Upload WMA Files

Add WMA file(s) that you want to convert. The WMA to MP3 converter defaults MP3 as the output format.

select mp3 as output format

Step 2
Convert WMA to MP3 Free

Click on the CONVERT button to change WMA to MP3 online.

change wma to mp3

Step 3
Download Converted Files

Hit on the DOWNLOAD button to save your converted WMA files as MP3 format.

Information about WMA and MP3 file formats

File Extension .wma WMA Converter
Description WMA (Windows Media Audio) is a collection of multiple sound codecs and their respective coding formats. It was developed by Microsoft in 1999 as part of its Windows Media framework. WMA features up to four codecs, including WMA, WMA Pro, WMA Lossless, and WMA Voice. Each codec has its own distinct function.
Associated Programs VLC Media Player
Zune Software
Media Player Classic
All PlayerMPC-HC
Developed By Microsoft
MIME type audio/x-ms-wma
Useful Link What is a WMA file
File Extension .mp3 MP3 Converter
Description MP3 is a standard audio format developed by Moving Picture Experts Group and uses MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 standardizations. MP3 uses lossy data compression, meaning that it loses quality over time. This sound format comes with a .mp3 filename extension and is today the most common audio format on websites and multimedia players.
Associated Programs Windows Media Player
VLC Media Player
Developed By Moving Picture Experts Group
MIME Type audio/mpeg
Useful Link What is an MP3 file

People also ask about Free WMA to MP3 converter

How to convert WMA to MP3 on Mac/Windows losslessly

Windows Media Audio, shorted as WMA, is an audio format developed by Microsoft. It can be played easily on Windows system with Windows Media Player. It is created to combat MP3 and Apple's AAC. So if you want to play WMA on Mac system, the compatibility is not as good as MP3 or AAC. You could convert WMA to MP3 on Mac with the following steps. At the beginning, you should firstly download and install Wondershare UniConverter on your Mac or Windows devices.

add wma files on mac
choose mp3 for wma files
convert wma to mp3 mac

There are a number of free WMA to MP3 converters online available as well. For example, you can convert WMA to MP3 iTunes, but the features is not as powerful as Wondershare UniConverter.
Just install and try it on your Windows/Mac to start converting your files without any worries!

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