Lyric Video Maker

Make stunning lyric videos online for free in minutes. Add stylized texts and subtitles to the image or video background.

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Easy Lyric Video Maker

Some songs simply catch your attention and love, and it does make sense to share them with others. Adding lyrics to music videos is another great way of sharing enjoyment. The lyric videos allow the fans to enjoy the video and lyrics of the song simultaneously. These videos are best for the fans who want to read the lyrics while listening to music.
The online video editor has made lyrical video creations straightforward. It is easy to make lyric videos and share them on different platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

How to Make A Lyric Video Online? online lyric video maker does not charge you anything for adding lyric texts and editing the video. Check the step-by-step guide and make a lyric video now.

  • import YouTube video

    Step 1. Upload the Media

    Go to video editor and click the Upload media button to add your images, video footage and music tracks. You can also paste the media URL to upload.
    Then select the desired aspect ratio and arrange all of your media on the timeline at the bottom of the screen.

  • cut youtube video

    Step 2. Add Lyrics and Edit Video

    Click the Text button on the left pane to add static or animated lyric texts to the video. Add fade in and fade out effects to the lyric texts make it look vivid.
    You can use the Auto Subtitle feature to generate and add the lyrics to the video automatically.

  • download

    Step 3. Save and Share Video

    Once you are finished with all the editing parts of the video, click on the Export button and follow the instruction to save the lyric video in MP4 format. will merge all the elements, lyric texts, music, or images into a single video.

save lyric video
import music video
add lyrics to video
save lyric video
import music video


Transform Long Videos into Short Ones Instantly

Turn long videos into viral clips. Effortlessly transform lengthy videos into engaging, shareable clips.
Edit Video Seamlessly Like As Editing Text
AI Voice Cloner Ends Reshoots

Why Choose Online Lyric Video Creator?

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Cross-Platform Compatibility

Whether you are using a Mac, Windows, Linux, or a Chromebook, you can use online web-based lyric video editor without concerning any compatible issues.

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Ideal for Social Media Sharing

You can create customized videos for different social media platforms with the aspect ratio presets and ensure that it stands out of the box.

upload video in any format

Variety of Supported Formats is known for its spectacular compatibility with all popular formats of video, including MP4, MKV, WebM, WMV, MOV, PNG, MP3, JPG, WAV, OGG, AAC, and M4A.

easy to share on social platforms

Free and No Watermark provides access to all of its features at no cost. It is free and leaves no watermar on your video. So, using it would always be a wise decision for your lyric videos.

feature-rich youtube video editor

Auto Lyrics Added video editor provides the Auto Subtitle feature to ensure that you can add lyrics or subtitles to the video easily without a lot of time.

cut video with no watermark

Easy to Use provides a simple-to-use online video editor with an intuitive interface. It requires no experience to create a lyric video with its editor.

Benefits of Creating Lyrics Video

Grab Attention

Enhance the engagement range of your audience with the videos showcasing the lyrics. The videos with subtitles are usually proven to achieve better view times and even if their sound is not turned on. The outstanding text animation design makes your video exceptionally well.

Simple Music Videos

Lyrics videos gain better views because the words of the songs are not always clear to people. So, adding the subtitles or lyrics for the videos will make it easier for the audience to understand the video, and they can memorise it. Provide your audience with much-needed ease with our lyric video creator app.

Promote Content

The lyric videos help you engage a wider audience range with your music. Videos are usually that are easy to share, and this makes the lyrical video an ideal way to promote your music. You can use our present canvas sizes for social media to export the lyrics video with the right aspect ratio matching different social media platforms.

grab attention with lyric video
create lyric video for your mv
promote content with lyric video

FAQs Regarding Lyric video maker

  • No, video editor does not leave any watermark on the videos edited through it. It is a free tool that is made for the ease of users.

  • Yes, you can import the video you wish to edit in the upload box for loading the music. Then you need to adhere to the above instructions to edit the video in a 16:9 aspect ratio. Once done, you can export the video, save it, and then share it on YouTube.

  • With, you can upload the videos and type the lyrics in the video in a few simple clicks without paying any price. Just an active internet connection and a system.

  • The Auto Subtitle feature is easy to use, and you need to visit the tool and upload the video. Once uploaded, you will find an option of Auto subtitle, and you need to tap on it along with choosing a target language. Once done, it would be easy for you to generate the subtitles. Next, you can customise the text and make it fit the video. Once done, you may export the video and save it.

star star star star star

I was looking for a tool that could help me promote my music videos in a better manner and this is where I found this tool by It has been a great help to me over the years. I would recommend it to others for adding lyrics to videos.

star star star star star

The video lyric creator app has helped me to add lyrics to countless of my videos over the years and one good thing about it is that it comes with all the easy to use features that are absolutely free. I would keep on using this app for future needs as well.

star star star star star

I tried many other lyric video editor apps but none of them was as seamless as Its functionalities are easy to understand and it provides us an easy way to edit the videos without going through much hassle. It has been a great help and my go-to tool for editing videos.

star star star star star

Most of the video lyric creator apps in the play have premium plans for the features that are important and they do have this watermark feature that makes the videos unpleasant. But when I found I got a sigh of relief because it does not ponder any such feature which makes it my all time favourite app.

star star star star star

One of my friends suggested I use when he saw me struggling with the videos when editing and adding lyrics to them. At first I was a bit skeptical about this tool but now I am glad that I chose this tool to help edit the videos. Highly recommended tool!

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